Anagram Puzzle - 1st word game puzzle on the Mac AppStore.
[an·a·gram] is direct letter switch or word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word to produce a new word, using all the original letters exactly once.
for example, these letters [a],[c],[e[],[i],[n],[m] can create the word "cinema" and "iceman", and possibly a few more.
How to play
Mix up the letters given and create as many anagrams/words as possible before the time runs out!
Tip: letter shuffling could be a magic wand sometime
Game features:
◉ challenge - score and time rushing system
◉ multilingual - support six popular languages & shall be more
◉ always new - randomized letter combination each playing section.
◉ content rich - vocabulary pulled from Oxford corpus, up to miiiiillions!
◉ premium - no ads, no in-app-purchases, educational & suitable for all ages